Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How to Create Signed Windows Controls

The step by step way to create windows controls and use it in an ASP.NET page
1:create a new project Windows Control Libray
2:build and execute
3:create the key pair using SDK command promptsn -k ssokeypair.snksn -p ssokeypair.snk ssopublic.snk
4:import keypair to your project
5:right click on the project->properites->signing->check sign the assembly->choose our keepair
6:Set ComVisible property to "true" in assemblyInfo.cs file.
7:go to SDK command prompt register the controlregasm [path of control] /codebase
8:use the registered control in your asp.net project or any other project
9:get classid of the object from registry editor
10: format of object tag : object id="MyControl.UserControl1" classid="clsid:125A8E3F-FE89-3133-B956-DD041D7BED9E"

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hide Blogger Bar

You can hide your blogger bar or blogspot bar by simply add the following code inside your html code,for this first go to templates->edit html->add the following code after all the variable definitions
/* Hide the blogspot adds */

#navbar-iframe:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(Opacity=100, FinishedOpacity=100)}

Note:if your mouse is over on bar it will appear in Mozilla Firefox browser,and all the links will work in any browser because this code just hide the bar not removing.

Remove Navbar
just cut and paste the following code in your html coding
#navbar-iframe {
it will completely remove the blogger navbar

Background Pattern To Your Blog

First you just create a pattern using phpotoshop or such softwares,then upload that image to your blog(create a new post and upload the image and save the post as draft)
then go to the html view of that post,coppy the address of the picture,it look like

Then go to templates,edit the code inside body { }

/*keep remaining same*/
instead of
background-color: #cccccc;
then save and publish

Monday, July 23, 2007


The blog for the complete web solutions